For the next two admin days, and Monday and Tuesday of the second week, we started work on the Portfolios for the Trinity Musical Theatre Exams- Cats, Oliver and Little Shop of Horrors. For these we had to put together cast lists, lyrics, script, costumes, projection images, plot, rehearsal images and set design.
After 3 o'clock everyday we helped with drama and dance classes. In drama, on Mondays and Tuesdays, we helped prepare students in the Act 1 and 2 classes for their upcoming LAMDA exams and their poems for the Richmond Festival. In the ballet, tap, modern and mini jazz classes on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we watched and went through the steps with anyone who wasn't sure of them or needed to practise.
Another side of the company we explored was social media and marketing. Everyday we tweeted, using photos, hashtags, quotes - popular methods to get people interested in the classes and workshops we were advertising. We also prepared letters to go to every primary and secondary school in the area with flyers and information about the Summer Schools and Easter workshops.
One thing we really enjoyed was helping with the classes because we got to work with all the little children who were really enjoying their lessons. We also enjoyed the themed drama classes because we did things like pretending to be crocodiles in a special pirate themed lesson which they really enjoyed, and it was something fun and different.
On the second week of mini drama classes it was National Poetry Day, so Maria and Olivia's group did Easter bunny themed poems, and Emma and Lizzie's group did poems based on the five senses which the children wrote and then performed to the rest of the class.
Another thing we enjoyed was designing bags, notepads, pens, hats etc which may be coming soon to Step on Stage!
Overall we enjoyed our work experience and learned a lot about how Step on Stage runs and we didn't realise how much work they have to do and how much they have to organise!