I have musical theatre on a Saturday morning and I also learn tap, modern and ballet during the week. I like playing the piano too, I’m on grade 1. When I’m older I want to be a dancer, singer and actress. Or maybe a safari ranger. I love to watch musicals at the theatre and one day I want to be in one!
Last year I played one of Annie’s siblings in Annie get your Gun which was on at Hampton theatre. For the audition we had to learn and sing some songs from the show, I was nervous but so happy when I got the part! Being in the show was so much fun and I felt like I was part of a big family. The stage was amazing and my favourite song was ‘There’s No Business Like Showbusiness’ which was the finale. I loved my costumes and I can’t wait to try for the next one.
I was really nervous when we walked in because I didn’t know anyone there and I was one of the youngest. They had a pianist and the studio was made of glass, it was really lovely. We did lots of barre exercises and center work. I was so excited when Mummy got the call to say I had a place! I go there for two hours every other Sunday as well as my syllabus classes once a week with Miss Kate at Step on Stage.
For my next LAMDA exam me and my Step on Stage group are doing Oliver! I was so happy when Emma said I was going to be Nancy. Then when she said I had to sing a verse of Oompah Pah all by myself I was super excited!!!!!!! I can’t wait to do my exam on the stage this Summer. I wonder what my costume will be like?

I work very hard and I love everything I do, I’m not sure I could choose my favourite thing. I love being part of Step on Stage – I’m sure you would too!